Hands up if your a different kind of entrepreneur?

My people!

“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different” Coco Channel.

(I'd much rather skip the cocktail party photoshoot and have a real conversation over coffee, or even better, inspire a crowd with some great stories.)

Hi, I’m Stephanie BySouth.

I'm a strategic thinker, business transformer, and innovative problem-solver with a diverse background and an insatiable appetite for learning.

As a seasoned global business advisor, I've spent over two decades helping ventures achieve rapid growth and enterprises optimise costs, increase capital, and cultivate positive cultures.

I also have a passion for investing in diverse entrepreneurs: neurodiverse individuals, members of the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, women, migrants, and those from isolated regions who aspire to be business owners and professionals.

If you feel different, think different, act different, and know there's a better way than the systems that hold you back, then join our inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem of mentoring, coaching, and learning programs.

  • Author.

    Learn strategies, stories and case studies to enhance personal relationships, leadership impact, team dynamics, and business agility.

  • Connect.

    I host a lunch seasonally for curious innovators from various industries, purposes, and artistry to cross-pollinate thinking.

  • Speak.

    Engaging conference speaker on inspiring evidence-based stories to catalyse mindsets and methods.